About the Book

The third edition of this book, first published in 2005, is evidence of the importance of portfolio careers, and the growing demand to learn more about them. Taking stock and planning your life and career has never been more important and the opportunity to explore the portfolio route is more timely than ever.

Building A Portfolio Career is the definitive 'How To' book about portfolio careers, life and work. It incorporates recent learning and reflects the latest work trends, while still providing real hands-on guidance for those considering a move to portfolio-ing.

Essentially it is a practical guide for the journey of becoming a Portfolio Professional.

  • In Part 1, we introduce you to the Portfolio Life, invite you to look at a broader view of your future, and advise how to use the book to maximum benefit.
  • Part 2 offers a range of models to help create your plan to become a Portfolio Professional.
  • Part 3 shows you how to implement the plan and make a successful transition
  • Part 4 has specialist contributors advising on living the Portfolio Life and running your own business. This edition now includes a major insight into 'The Power of Social Media and how to harness it'

Throughout the book you will find contributions from a range of different people chronicling their personal experiences and stories of their own Portfolio Journeys. 

Who will this book help most?

Building a Portfolio Career is a practical guide for anyone open to exploring and planning a change in the balance of work and home lifestyle, now or in the future.

You may be employed, full or part-time, unemployed, retired, or just in need of a change.

You may have been in one role, profession or company for many years and believe that change may be around the corner, but have no clear idea of what comes next.

This book is essential reading for those considering their next steps.

The book offers plenty of advice on how to lead the portfolio life and recounts examples of people who have made successful transition. It shows that with planning and determination, the portfolio life, with its potential for independence and fulfillment, can be an antidote to redundancy. Mark Tran, The Guardian

A myriad of options and whirling thoughts were converted into a plan with timings and milestones....and a sense of achievement. Dame Julia Cleverdon

This is THE book for anybody who has ever wanted to take control of their work and their life. As well as challenging you to think about where you are in your life and where you want to be, it also encourages you to think of how any changes you make may impact on others around you. Carole Comfort, formerly Head of Welfare, British Aerospace
